By The Minute
We had quite the adventure getting our team member across the finish line. Throughout the process I was trying to keep track of major events, medications, and changes. I'm not really sure why this was impressed upon me, but it just seemed like a good idea. It's not one-hundred percent accurate or even complete (see the final hours), but it should help paint a picture.
Their Activity Log
Date/Time Event/Details Specifications Pitocin Interval
07:00pm: Arrived, Checked-In
09:10pm: IV Inserted
09:35pm: Cytotec (Oral) 50mg
The baby's heart rate was dropping after every contraction in response to the new contractions, and it was believed the cytotec-induced contractions were too strong for the baby.
04/16/2024 Event/Details Specifications Pitocin Interval
04:44am: Lactated R (IV) 125mL/hr
05:24am: Pitocin (IV) 1mu/min (+1mL/hr)
07:15am: Pitocin (IV) 2mu/min (+1mL/hr) 1hr 51min
07:52am: Pitocin (IV) 3mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 37m
08:30am: Pitocin (IV) 4mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 38m
09:37am: Pitocin (IV) 5mu/min (+1mL/hr) 1hr 07m
10:38am: Pitocin (IV) 6mu/min (+1mL/hr) 1hr 01m
11:00am: Cervical Check 2cm, 60% effaced, -2 station (Amy)
11:49am: Pitocin (IV) 7mu/min (+1mL/hr) 1hr 11m
12:32pm: Fentanyl 100 micrograms
12:34pm: Foley Catheter Inserted & Expanded
01:16pm: Pitocin (IV) 8mu/min (+1mL/hr) 32mL 1hr 27m
02:54pm: Pitocin (IV) 9mu/min (+1mL/hr) 1hr 38m
04:21pm: Pitocin (IV) 10mu/min (+1mL/hr) 1hr 27m
05:22pm: Pitocin (IV) 0mu/min (-10mL/hr) 1hr 01m
The baby’s heart rate seemed to fall to about 72bpm for about a minute, and RN Laney felt uncomfortable keeping the Pitocin running as she believed the baby was not reacting well.
05:49pm: Pitocin (IV) 5mu/min (+5mL/hr) 0hr 27m
Per Ashliegh, we’ll start Pitocin slow, going up a mL once every hour.
06:05pm: Pitocin (IV) 1mu/min (-4mL/hr) 0hr 16m
06:05pm: Lactated R (IV) 999mL/hr
06:24pm: Lactated R (IV) 125mL/hr
07:32pm: Pitocin (IV) 2mu/min (+1mL/hr) 1hr 27m
08:05pm: Pitocin (IV) 3mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 33m
08:32pm: Pitocin (IV) 4mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 27m
08:56pm: Foley Catheter Removed
09:02pm: Pitocin (IV) 5mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 30m
09:05pm: Benedryl (Oral) x2 25mg
09:15pm: Cervical Check 5cm, 60% effaced, -3 station (Laney)
09:32pm: Pitocin (IV) 6mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 30m
10:05pm: Pitocin (IV) 7mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 33m
10:32pm: Pitocin (IV) 8mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 28m
11:06pm: Pitocin (IV) 9mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 34m
11:34pm: Pitocin (IV) 10mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 28m
04/17/2024 Event/Details Specifications Pitocin Interval
12:04am: Pitocin (IV) 11mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 30m
12:37am: Pitocin (IV) 12mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 33m
01:10am: Pitocin (IV) 13mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 33m
01:41am: Pitocin (IV) 14mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 31m
02:15am: Pitocin (IV) 15mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 34m
02:45am: Pitocin (IV) 16mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 30m
03:18am: Pitocin (IV) 17mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 33m
03:48am: Pitocin (IV) 18mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 30m
04:28am: Cervical Check 5-6cm, 60-70% effaced, -3 station (Laney)
EARLY ACTIVE LABOR -------------------------------------------------------------
04:43am: Fentanyl 100 micrograms
04:44am: Pitocin (IV) 19mu/min (+1mL/hr) 0hr 56m
05:39am: Pitocin (IV) 0mu/min (-19mL/hr) 0hr 55m
Per Bri, with how intense the contractions are for Leila, a break may be good to allow Leila to sleep and recover.
Prior to the break Leila was wanting to move forward with an Epidural, provided the options to start at a lower dose and adjust the effect as needed.
05:55am: Fentanyl 100 micrograms
06:35am: Lactated R (IV) 999mL/hr (500mL)
06:45am: Epidural Inserted
07:08am: Lactated R (IV) 125mL/hr
07:08am: Epidural 8mL/hr
Bupivacaine 0.125%
fentaNYL 2mcg/mL
Continuous Rate 8mL/hr
PCAE Dose 5mL
PCAE Lockout 15min
1 Hour Limit 28mL
07:49am: Lactated R (IV) 999mL/hr (250mL)
07:55am: Epidural 12mL/hr
08:00am: Catheter Inserted
08:07am: Lactated R (IV) 125mL/hr
08:14am: Lactated R (IV) 999mL/hr
Baby’s heart rate dropped.
08:15am: Lactated R (IV) 125mL/hr
08:30am: SHE SLEEPS
09:08am: Pitocin (IV) 2mu/min (+2mL/hr) 3hr 29m
Expecting +2mL/half-hr
09:27am: Pitocin (IV) 0mu/min (-2mL/hr) 0hr 21m
Baby’s heart rate dropped to 72bpm, for about 5 minutes.
Position changed to the side, then hands and knees.
Expecting 0mL/hr Pitocin until noon
09:30am: Terbutaline (IV) 0.25mg
Use to stop contractions.
09:30am: Lactated R (IV) 999mL/hr
09:54am: Lactated R (IV) 125mL/hrÂ
12:21pm: Position Change Throne, Right Leg Peanut
12:30pm: Cervical Check 7cm, 90% effaced, -2 station (Amy)
ACTIVE LABOR --------------------------------------------------------------------
12:35pm: Position Change Flying Cowgirl, Left Side
01:01pm: Position Change Froggy
Eating Chicken Broth
01:23pm: Position Change Flying Cowgirl, Right Side
01:48pm: Position Change Froggy
Eating Chicken Broth
02:00pm: Position Change Side-lye, Left Side
02:10pm: WE SLEEP
04:55pm: Cervical Check 7cm, 90% effaced, -2 station (Amy)
04:58pm: Rupture Membrane Completed
05:02pm: Position Change Seated Frog
06:14pm: Ampicillin 2g
Antibiotic (Penicillin Family) to treat potential GBS infection.
06:19pm: Position Change Fire Hydrant
06:48pm: Position Change Throne
06:48pm: Position Change Exaggerate Runners (Extended Sideline)
A sharp pain right below the sternum wasn’t suppressed by the Epidural so hopefully a position change will help.
08:52pm: Position Change All Fours
09:19pm: Position Change Exaggerated Side-lye, Right Side
09:53pm: Ampicillin 1g
Antibiotic (Penicillin Family) to treat potential GBS infection.
10:00pm: Position Change Throne
10:08pm: Cervical Check 9cm, 100% effaced, -1 station (Amy)
10:00pm: Position Change Throne
10:38pm: Bupivacaine 10cc
Single increase of pain medication through the Epidural for some pain that was moving down, in the front.
10:45pm: SHE SLEEPS
11:45pm: Intrauterine Pressure Catheter
11:50pm: Lactated R (IV) 999mL/hr (HER)
11:50pm: Lactated R (IV) 999mL/hr (BABY)
They changed positions to bring the baby's heart rate up, but it’s believed to be due to the lack of liquid inside her belly.
Contractions are continuing regularly without influence.
04/18/2024 Event/Details Specifications Pitocin Interval
12:09am: Lactated R (IV) 125mL/hr (HER)
12:10am: Lactated R (IV) 250mL/hr (BABY)
12:26am: PUSHING BEGINS 10cm, 100% effaced, 0 station
12:30am: 12 Hours Active Labor -------------------------------------------------------
12:47am: SHE SLEEPS… ish
02:25am: Ampicillin 1g
The spacetime continuum collapsed somewhere.
05:00am: Bupivacaine (EP 10cc
05:00am: Precedex 25mcg
05:16am: WE SLEEP
06:00am: Ampicillin 1g
06:35am: Pushing Resumes
07:12am: Vacuum Begins
07:56am: 19 Hours 26 Minutes Active Labor Complete ------------------------------
His Activity Log
Date/Time Event/Details   Specifications    Info
07:58am: Weight 7.5lbs
08:17am: Breast Feed L17/R0
08:17am: Diaper Both
09:48am: Blood Sugar 85mg/dL
10:20am: Breast Feed L0/R15
12:00pm: Breast Feed L15/R15
01:12pm: Blood Sugar 54mg/dL
01:15pm: Breast Feed L?/R?
03:57pm: Blood Sugar 34mg/dL
03:57pm: Blood Sugar 31mg/dL
04:38pm: Glutose15 1.7mL
05:30pm: Similac NeoSure 02mL
05:53pm: Blood Sugar 61mg/dL
06:15pm: Similac NeoSure 11mL
08:21pm: Blood Sugar 52mg/dL
08:30pm: Similac NeoSure 15mL
11:13pm: Blood Sugar 55mg/dL
11:17pm: Breast Fed L7/R5min Colostrum
11:29pm: Similac NeoSure 12mL
04/19/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
02:25am: Blood Sugar 38mg/dL
02:32am: Glutose15 1.7mL
02:40am: Similac NeoSure 13mL 30min
03:15am: Diaper Poop Transitional, Little Brownish
03:58am: Blood Sugar 81mg/dL
05:35am: Blood Sugar 49mg/dL
05:44am: Similac NeoSure 18mL 15min
05:45am: Diaper Pee
08:00am: Blood Sugar mg/dL
08:05am: Bilirubin TCB 9.8mg/dL
08:05am: Bilirubin TSB 8.2mg/dL
08:07am: Blood Sugar 49mg/dL
08:20am: Cardiac Screen 93SpO2 Right Hand
08:21am: Cardiac Screen 95SpO2 Left Foot
08:23am: Cardiac Screen 91SpO2 Right Foot
08:25am: Weight 7.3125lbs 2.5% Loss
08:45am: Similac NeoSure 20mL 20min
08:45am: Diaper Pee
10:34am: Blood Sugar 65mg/dL
11:50am: Breast Fed L9/R7min Colostrum
11:15am: Similac NeoSure 13mL 15min
02:40pm: Breast Fed L20/R20min Colostrum
03:35pm: Similac NeoSure 5mL 10min
04:20pm: Similac NeoSure 3mL 3min
05:55pm: Diaper Pee Heavy
06:01pm: Heartrate 102
06:01pm: Cardiac Screen 93SpO2
06:04pm: Temperature 98.5°
06:05pm: Breast Fed L0/R8min Colostrum
06:25pm: Breast Fed L10/R?min Colostrum
06:35pm: Similac NeoSure 0mL 19mL, 2mL Loss, 17mL Left
07:17pm: Similac NeoSure 11mL 17mL, 3mL Loss, 11mL, 4mL Left
09:30pm: Similac NeoSure 20mL
04/20/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
12:10am: Breast Fed L16/R8min Colostrum
12:45am: Similac NeoSure 5mL 10min
01:50am: Diaper Pee
03:25am: Temperature 97.9°
03:32am: Similac NeoSure 16mL 10min
06:38am: Temperature 97.7°
06:35am: Similac NeoSure 20mL 14min
08:25am: Bilirubin TCB 10.6mg/dL
08:28am: Weight 7.1875lbs 1.7094% Loss
06:38am: Temperature 98.3°
09:45am: Breast Fed L15/R8min Colostrum
12:46pm: Breast Fed L12/R16min Colostrum
02:35pm: Bilirubin TCB 10.8mg/dL
03:14pm: Breast Fed L11/R8min Colostrum
05:45pm: Similac NeoSure 8mL
07:15pm: Similac NeoSure 12mL
10:30pm: Breast Fed L10/R10min Colostrum
11:19pm: Similac NeoSure 4mL
04/21/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
12:45am: Similac NeoSure 20mL 30min
02:00am: Similac NeoSure 9mL 10min
03:00am: Similac NeoSure 8mL 10min
03:50am: Similac NeoSure 12mL 5min
05:05am: Similac NeoSure 13mL 5min
06:40am: Similac NeoSure 15mL 10min
07:50am: Diaper Pee
07:52am: Similac NeoSure 15mL 2min
09:15am: Similac NeoSure 20mL 7min
12:25pm: Similac NeoSure 30mL 15min
02:00pm: Similac NeoSure 28mL
03:45pm: Diaper Poop Slight Tar, Mostly Brown
04:00pm: Similac NeoSure 32mL 13min
07:00pm: Pumping L30/R39mL
07:10pm: Diaper Pee Heavy
07:13pm: Similac NeoSure 32mL
10:14pm: Breast Milk 35mL
11:25pm: Diaper Both Heavy Pee, Through All Layers
11:30pm: Breast Milk 34mL
04/22/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
12:15am: Breast Milk 30mL 12min
01:30am: Diaper Poop Blowout
01:40am: Breast Milk 15mL
02:15am: Diaper Pee Seemed wet, no diaper marks
02:00am: Pumping L65/R55mL
02:30am: Similac NeoSure 15mL
03:45am: Similac NeoSure 30mL
04:35am: Pumping L27/R25mL
04:40am: Similac NeoSure 12mL
07:40am: Diaper Both Drier poop
07:45am: Similac NeoSure 30mL
09:40am: Diaper Poop Light, Seems Less Tacky
09:50am: Similac NeoSure 30mL
10:10am: Pumping L30/R45mL
01:20pm: Diaper Both Very Light Poop
01:30pm: Similac NeoSure 25mL
02:30pm: Similac NeoSure 10mL
03:30pm: Similac NeoSure 10mL
04:45pm: Breast Fed L9/R10min
06:47pm: Breast Fed L5/R10min
07:42pm: Breast Fed L7/R0min
09:40pm: Breast Fed L0/R10min
04/23/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
12:15am: Diaper Poop Tiny & Wet
12:26am: Breast Milk 65mL 19min
04:20am: Diaper Poop Huge
04:35am: Breast Milk 64mL 26min
07:20am: Diaper Poop Huge
08:30am: Breast Milk 47mL
09:45am: Diaper Poop
10:04am: Pumping L70/R45mL 15min
12:43pm: Breast Fed L15/R10-min
02:15pm: Diaper Pee
03:18am: Bilirubin TCB 1.5mg/dL
03:45pm: Diaper Both
04:10pm: Breast Fed L10/R10min
04:32pm: Breast Fed L10/R0min
05:33pm: Weight 8.1875lbs 13.91304% Gain
08:08pm: Breast Fed L13/R12min
08:36pm: Diaper Pee
11:15pm: Breast Fed L10/R15min
04/24/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
12:50am: Diaper Poop
01:40am: Diaper Poop
01:45am: Breast Milk 60mL
03:00am: Breast Milk 30mL
04:30am: Diaper Poop
04:35am: Breast Milk 60mL
08:15am: Diaper Poop
08:20am: Breast Milk 60mL
10:13am: Pumping L85/R71mL 17min
12:04pm: Breast Fed L13/R0min
01:15pm: Breast Fed L0/R10min
04:12pm: Breast Fed L16/R15min
06:49pm: Pumping L15/R28mL 9min
07:15pm: Diaper Poop
07:36pm: Breast Fed L16/R17min
09:10pm: Pumping L12/R5mL
11:40pm: Pumping L46/R21mL 13min
04/25/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
12:00am: Diaper Poop
12:05am: Breast Milk 60mL
01:30am: Diaper Poop
01:35am: Breast Milk 70mL
04:50am: Diaper Both
04:55am: Breast Milk 60mL
08:00am: Diaper Poop
08:05am: Breast Milk 60mL
06:16am: Pumping L93/R50mL 16min
09:00am: Pumping L65/R31mL 15min
12:30pm: Diaper Poop Thin
12:35pm: Breast Fed L16/R10min
04:50pm: Diaper Both
04:56pm: Breast Fed L12/R17min
06:25pm: Pumping L21/R46mL 13min
08:13pm: Diaper Pee
08:16pm: Breast Fed L15/R14min
10:30pm: Breast Fed L10/R13min
04/26/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
02:00am: Diaper Both
02:05am: Breast Milk 70mL
04:00am: Diaper Poop
04:05am: Breast Milk 110mL
07:11am: Pumping L117/R67 20min
08:00am: Diaper Poop
08:05am: Breast Milk 70mL
11:48am: Breast Fed L12/R16min
03:52pm: Breast Fed L?/R15min
07:23pm: Breast Fed L15/R12min
10:17pm: Breast Fed L12/R16min
04/27/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
02:35am: Diaper Pee
02:40am: Breast Fed L11/R14min
06:47am: Diaper Both Small Poop
06:53am: Breast Fed L13/R6min
10:40am: Diaper Both
10:42am: Breast Fed L10/R13min
01:00pm: Pumping L80/R53mL
01:15pm: Breast Milk 80mL
03:00pm: Diaper Pee
03:04pm: Breast Fed L8/R5min
04:31pm: Breast Fed L10/R12min
Her Activity Log
Date/Time    Event/Details   Specifications   Info
04/21/2024 Advised 600mg Ibup/6hrs, 650mg Acet/4hrs
04:16pm: Blood Pressure 139/91 p87
04/22/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
02:00am: Ibuprofen 600mg
02:00am: Acetaminophen 500mg
02:00am: Docusate 100mg
02:00am: Magnesium 800mg
08:25am: Ibuprofen 600mg
08:25am: Acetaminophen 500mg
08:25am: Docusate 100mg
10:15pm: Ibuprofen 600mg
10:15pm: Acetaminophen 1000mg
10:15pm: Docusate 100mg
10:15pm: Magnesium 800mg
04/23/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
09:15am: Ibuprofen 400mg
09:15am: Acetaminophen 500mg
09:15am: Docusate 100mg
11:09am: Blood Pressure 133/95 p99
05:01pm: Temperature 98.2°
05:04am: Blood Pressure 150/119 p96
05:06pm: Blood Pressure 143/108 p89
06:52pm: Ibuprofen 800mg
06:52pm: Acetaminophen 500mg
06:52pm: Docusate 100mg
04/24/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
12:36am: Ibuprofen 400mg
12:36am: Acetaminophen 500mg
12:36am: Docusate 100mg
12:36am: Magnesium 800mg
05:34am: Ibuprofen 800mg
02:13pm: Blood Pressure 147/106 p94
03:48pm: Blood Pressure 146/106 p101
04:09pm: Blood Pressure 136/100 p90
04:32pm: Ibuprofen 400mg
04:32pm: Acetaminophen 500mg
04:32pm: Docusate 200mg
11:14pm: Blood Pressure 141/106 p87
04/25/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
12:11am: Ibuprofen 200mg
12:11am: Acetaminophen 1000mg
12:11am: Docusate 100mg
12:11am: Magnesium 800mg
01:30pm: Ibuprofen 400mg
01:30pm: Acetaminophen 1000mg
01:30pm: Docusate 200mg
04:44pm: Blood Pressure 135/92 p95
11:10pm: Ibuprofen 200mg
11:10pm: Acetaminophen 500mg
11:10pm: Docusate 100mg
11:10pm: Magnesium 800mg
04/26/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
10:35pm: Ibuprofen 400mg
10:35pm: Acetaminophen 500mg
10:35pm: Docusate 200mg
10:35pm: Magnesium 800mg
04/27/2024 Event/Details Specifications Info
10:55am: Ibuprofen 200mg
10:55am: Acetaminophen 500mg
10:55am: Docusate 100mg
10:55am: Magnesium 400mg